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12 Fun Virtual Events Ideas for Your Team

Sabrina George
Fun Virtual Events Ideas for Your Team

Keeping coworkers together when they are dispersed has always added a layer of complexity to teambuilding. We know teambuilding exercises build trust and rapport. We know, once those bonds have formed, your teams are more productive and efficient. But when teams are remote, getting them together to bond can only happen when you have a great video conferencing solution and a fun virtual event idea. This blog will help you with both.

12 Fun Virtual Event Ideas

Your company culture doesn’t have to suffer from working remotely, although the latest data shows that workers can feel more disconnected from your organization when they don’t go to a physical office. Fun virtual team events can help. Here are 12 fun virtual event ideas to consider implementing with your teams:

  1. Virtual Interviews
    No, these aren’t the interviews you do when you’re trying to get a new job. Instead, as new people come onto the team, why not host a Friday afternoon half hour lunch event, where someone more senior on the team gets to interview the newbie? They can ask all kinds of fun questions and the new person can share pictures of their home, family, or just talk about their history and what let them to the job.

  2. Virtual Hobby Event
    There is no question that it’s harder to get to know people across the miles. A virtual hobby event allows team members to share a hobby they’re fond of. It’s a good idea to have the hobby and presentation pre-approved so that everyone doesn’t fall asleep. But it’s a great way to get to know the person behind the job, whether the hobby is gardening, craft brewing, or something else.

  3. Virtual Movie Night
    Not only can teams get together to watch movies, they can have a virtual movie night discussion where they discuss, laugh, and have fun via chat in real-time as they’re watching the movie.

  4. Virtual Book Club
    Nothing brings people together like the enthusiasm they can generate when discussing the ideas found in books. This can be combined with coffee or other types of refreshing beverages. Screen sharing can even allow you to share book quotes. It’s important to have a strong facilitator for these events, but they can be a favorite fun virtual event that your teams enjoy.

  5. Virtual Cooking
    If you have teams that love good food (who doesn’t?) why not host a virtual cooking experience. You can find these online, but you could also empower anyone on your team that can really cook to share a recipe from their kitchen. They don’t have to be a master chef, but they should have the personality and skills to share a great experience.

  6. Virtual City Tours
    Today you can tour museums, theme parks, or even entire cities online. Do you have a group of French or Spanish speakers on your team? Why not host a virtual event that tours Paris or another city? Say, for example, you have offshore workers. Why not allow them to be your guide as they host a walking tour of their city and culture? Not only is this a fun idea, you’ll bridge cultural gaps between teams spread out across the miles.

  7. Virtual Charity Events
    Having a virtual fun event is one thing but you can take things to the next level if you add in a charitable component to the online activity. Tying your event to some kind of donation to a local non-profit is a great way to give—especially if this is a part of your corporate mission. There are also online companies that offer a similar kind of service in addition to a fun virtual event.

  8. Virtual Artistry
    Painting parties are fun virtual events that can show a side of your coworkers that you’ve never seen before. These instructor-led events are a great way to inspire the creative side of your teams. You can also do this on your own. For example, you could text a coworker a phrase. They can use your video conferencing whiteboard feature to draw the phrase while teams use the chat feature to guess what the drawing represents.
    These events are so creative they’ll give your coworkers fun things to talk—and tease each other about—for weeks.

  9. Virtual Game Night
    There are all kinds of virtual game night companies out there today. You can also make up your own. All you need are the video conferencing solution features to help you make it work, like whiteboarding, screen share, and chat rooms. Some of the pre-packaged online game night software includes murder mysteries, team puzzles, and more.

  10. Virtual Lunch-n-Learns
    This type of event is a great way for you to teach teams. For an added team building experience, try letting your coworkers be the presenters. It’s a kind of “each one/teach one” that will naturally build the credibility and trust between team members. As an added bonus, you could even consider having lunch delivered to your remote workers, if that’s feasible.

  11. Virtual Happy Hours
    A virtual happy hour involves your favorite video conferencing solution and a group of your coworkers. All you’re missing is the bar setting. Your coworkers can bring their beverage of choice (alcoholic or not) and just hang out. It’s a good idea to have a virtual happy hour host to facilitate the conversations. Arm them with some clever discussion topics or leading questions to get your virtual fun event off to a good start.

  12. Virtual Escape Rooms
    There are several companies that use software to create a virtual escape room experience. These fun virtual events are custom-made for teams. They work by giving you a scenario in a closed room. To get out of the room (and win) you must uncover clues, solve challenges, and generally troubleshoot your way into the escape.

    The best virtual fun events start with the best video conferencing solution. Onstream Media offers a secure, reliable experience with all the tools you need to make your next virtual event a huge success. Talk with us and let’s man your next virtual event a fun, productive meeting.

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